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Can Rental Agreement Be Used as Address Proof for Aadhar

When it comes to obtaining an Aadhaar card, one of the most important requirements is proof of address. For those who are renting an apartment or house, the question arises: can a rental agreement be used as proof of address for Aadhaar registration?

The answer is yes, a rental agreement can be used as proof of address for Aadhaar registration. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which issues Aadhaar cards, has included rental agreements in its list of documents that can be used as address proof.

However, it is important to note that the rental agreement must meet certain criteria to be considered valid by the UIDAI. The agreement must be registered with the government and include the names of both the landlord and the tenant, the address of the rented property, and the start and end date of the rental agreement.

If the rental agreement meets these requirements, it can be submitted as proof of address for Aadhaar registration. However, it is always advisable to check with the UIDAI or a professional before submitting any documents to ensure they are acceptable.

It is also important to note that if the rental agreement has expired, it cannot be used as proof of address for Aadhaar registration. In such cases, the tenant must obtain a new rental agreement or provide other acceptable documents as proof of address.

In summary, a rental agreement can be used as proof of address for Aadhaar registration, as long as it meets the required criteria. However, tenants should always check with the UIDAI or a professional before submitting any documents to ensure they are acceptable.