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Australian Covid Vaccine Agreements

With the ongoing pandemic, governments all over the world are taking steps to ensure the safety of their citizens. One of these steps is the acquisition of vaccines to combat COVID-19. Australia is no exception, with the government signing agreements with several vaccine manufacturers.

The Australian government has secured agreements with four different vaccine manufacturers: Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Novavax, and COVAX. These agreements are meant to secure access to the needed vaccines for the entire population, which is estimated to be about 25 million individuals.

The Pfizer/BioNTech agreement was signed in November 2020, with the government securing 10 million doses of the vaccine. The vaccine requires two doses to be effective, meaning that this agreement would be enough to vaccinate 5 million people. Deliveries under this agreement are expected to start in late February or early March 2021.

The AstraZeneca agreement was signed in September 2020, with the government securing 33.8 million doses of the vaccine. Like the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, the AstraZeneca vaccine also requires two doses to be effective. The agreement also includes the manufacturing of the vaccine in Australia, with the support of CSL. Deliveries under this agreement are expected to start in early March 2021.

The Novavax agreement was signed in January 2021, with the government securing 51 million doses of the vaccine. However, the vaccine is still undergoing clinical trials, with results expected in the coming months. Deliveries under this agreement are expected to start in the second half of 2021.

The COVAX agreement was signed in October 2020, with the government securing access to a portfolio of vaccines for up to 50% of the population. COVAX is a global initiative that aims to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, particularly for low- and middle-income countries. Details regarding the delivery and distribution of vaccines under this agreement are still being finalized.

The Australian government has emphasized the importance of these agreements in ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens. With the delivery of vaccines expected to start soon, the government is also working on a vaccine rollout plan that prioritizes those who are most at risk.

In conclusion, the Australian government has secured agreements with four different vaccine manufacturers to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. These agreements are meant to ensure the availability of vaccines for the entire population, with deliveries expected to start in the coming months. With the vaccine rollout plan in place, the government is taking steps to protect its citizens from the ongoing pandemic.